Friday, August 25, 2006

Provinces in A Squeeze

Mr. Ichiro Ozawa, the current head of the Democratic Party of Japan, is an even greater favorite to win his party’s presidency election than Mr. Abe is in the LDP. In fact, it’s looking increasingly likely that he will run unopposed. Nevertheless, he has repeatedly promised to come forth with a detailed policy manifest, and its outlines has been leaked today (August 25th) through the establishment’s medium of choice on such occasions, the morning edition of the Yomiuri Shinbun.


The manifest contains such eye-popping proposals as cutting national and local income tax rates by half and making Japan 100% food-sufficient, and I hope to be blogging on this and other aspects of his proposals. However, what I want to talk about today is his ideas on local self-governance.


Specifically, Mr. Ozawa intends to propose the consolidation of the existing 1, 820 cities, towns and villages into 300 “basic self-governing entities” and distribute all government functions between the central government and the entities. In other words, he is advocating the abolition of the 47 provinces. Things do not look all that much better for the provinces in the LDP, where it sometimes seems to be only a matter of time before the powerful voices advocating the consolidation of provinces into a small number of super-regions to share administrative powers with the central and municipal governments will prevail.


At first glance, this lack of respect for governors is surprising. After all, governors had long been considered the ultimate power in the provinces. Indeed, for that very reason, it was a rare governor who would deign to step out of the governor’s mansion to join the ranks of Diet foot soldiers. So what is going on here?


Now this is just my thumb talking, but I think the governors would have far more to say and do about this if they were powerful party figures. But increasingly they are not. In fact, a significant number of them are nonpartisan figures, usually running as independents, sometimes with the support of every party from left to right except the Communists. This tends to diminish the role that governors can play in the Diet elections, where party loyalties matter and discord can surface even between long-time coalition partners LDP and the Clean Government Party. Given this mismatch between provincial and national electoral politics, it is not surprising that governors cannot rise up en masse against Tokyo to protest their demise.


And speaking of Tokyo, two of the three candidates for the LDP presidency were raised and went to school in Tokyo. As more and more second-, third- generation politicians and beyond follow such career paths and their lives come to have less and less to do with province of putative origin, it is inevitable that their inclinations will come to follow even more closely the interests of the nation and their electoral districts.


Yet another reason could be that provincial loyalties are diminishing among the public. The close-knit social and political ties within the Edo Era hans, where the next han was literally of another world, continued to exert a powerful influence in the provinces well into the 20th Century provinces. Today, the annual high school baseball tournaments may be the only occasion when a sense of provincehood (Word says this is not a real word) manifests itself on the national scene.


Thus, it looks like the days of the provinces are numbered, whether we follow the Ozawa model or the LDP-favored model of local governance reform.


I have even less confidence in my views than usual for this post. I look forward to any comments that will help me better understand this issue. Of course, your comments are always more than welcome.


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