Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Selected Posts on Japan-China Relationship, History Issues, and the Right-wing Myth

My writing mentor is in Japan to do research for his upcoming book, and yesterday, we met for the first time. I promised to look through my blog for the posts most relevant to the points I made. It turned out to be a huge chore, so I’m posting the list here, just in case it might come in handy again. I also noticed that they, as well as many others that I omitted, tended to come in the form of critiquing the mainstream media. Just sayin’.

My writing mentor is in Japan to do research for his book, and yesterday, we met for the first time. I promised to look through my blog for the posts most relevant to the points I made. It turned out to be a huge chore, so I’m posting the list here, just in case it might come in handy again. I also noticed that they, as well as many others that I omitted, tended to come in the form of critiquing the mainstream media. Just sayin’.

1. Here is my fullest exposition to date on the convergence of Japanese and Chinese interests. I hadn’t developed the catchphrase “competitors, not antagonists” yet, but the basic argument is there.

2. Here, following the Glocom link, is a more recent manifestation of my convergence-of-interests trope in a drive-by on Jim Hoagland. There’s brief outline of the change of heart on the part of the Chinese authorities after anti-Japanese demonstrations became a threat to domestic stability. I found another post where I conjectured that Mr. Abe must have cut the deal somewhere in the spring or summer of 2006 before he became Prime Minister, but I lost the link, and I’m too pooped to look for it again."

The poisoned Chinese dumplings issue shows the two governments struggling to contain the fallout with their respective domestic constituency in mind.

2. Here, I explain that constitutional amendment is not an issue in the 2007 Upper House election.

Later, I explain how the LDP loss was not a rejection of Prime Minister Abe’s of nationalist/right-wing/conservative—your pick—politics:

3. Here, I take on the “history issue” issue. Bonus feature: diatribe on misuse of the word “Asia”.

Speaking of history…

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