Tuesday, September 16, 2008


For some reason, I cannot open my blog, though I can open the account itself, as you can see from this post. My gmail account opens normally. The link to my AOL account is broken too. Please email me if you know anything about this phenomenon.

ADD: As soon as I posted this, it went back to normal. I'm going to leave this post here just for the record.


  1. If you're smart enough to know that, Michael, you should be smart enough to know that the internet is not something you just dump something on. You know what? You think you can just go to a place on the internet and you order your movie and guess what you can order ten of them delivered to you and the delivery charge is free, that's what you think, huh? Well ten of them streaming across that internet and what happens to my own personal internet? I just the other day got, an internet was sent by my staff at 10 o'clock in the morning on Friday and I just got it yesterday, that’s what happens. It got tangled up with all these things going on the internet commercially. It's not a truck, okay?

    Don’t mess with my internets, that’s what. So stop ordering all those movies, okay?

  2. Lately I've had intermittent problems with security certificates on Google properties (the error is "ssl_error_access_denied_alert"). This includes commenting on Blogger (like this), Gmail, Google Analytics and pretty much any other place with secure connections. It usually resolves itself if I reload a few times.

    OT: The internet as a series of tubes is actually not that bad an analogy; it's a shame it's become completely useless as a serious mode of explanation. On the other hand, it's become a timeless joke, so maybe we gained more than we lost. ^_^

  3. マイケル、重ね返事はいけません!

    I reloaded again and again and couldn't reach my blog, but then I found that I could reach my dashboard (password-protected) but not my blog (unprotected), the other way around, you might say, with AOL (portal reachable but password-protected email account not). It may be my imagination, but this and other difficulties tend to occur more often around, say, an hour before and after midnight. (I'll get back to sports and violence later, probably on your blog. Gotta go now.)

  4. マイケル、重ね返事はいけません!

    I plead gaijin!

    OK, I knew that. Do I have a poor sense of when it might be appropriate in jest?

  5. In fact, you played your role perfectly. I channeled cranky old Ted Stevens' Internet rant (actually, he sort of understood the Internet congestion problem and you can almost visualize him being briefed and taking it in, albeit imperfectly) and you played the kid brushing his old man off. To which the response マイケル、重ね返事はいけません has a vaguely unmasculine, schoolmarmish feel, a direction in which the Ted Stevens persona can be stretched in the service of the comedy gods.

    はいはい always carries an undertone of casual disregard (うるさいなあ、わかってるよ in a thought bubble) though, so you have to be mindful of the context. You will usually be safe if you establish or be placed in a role (in this case by my Ted Stevens rant; look it up, I only had to slightly paraphrase it), then use it within that framework. Inflection and body language also helps. Being a gaijin is a negative, because you are more prone to be taken literally.
