Sunday, December 28, 2008

For Those of You Who Miss WaiWai

A reminder from someone whose name rhymes with Brett Hull (and who wishes he could score half as often) that although WaiWai may be dead, its spirit lives on in the Tokyo Reporter, here. Well, at least a part of it, as the link’s tag, Japanese-smut-portal tells us.

Actually, the online media outlet overall appears to be much broader in scope, somewhere between the pure-tabloid weeklies and the more legitimate, if boring, weekly offerings from the mainstream media. For those of you don’t want to go directly to Japanese-smut-portal, here’s the main Tokyo Reporter portal.


  1. Last summer, Tokyo reporter had an article that positively introduced a left-wing extremist gourp, Chukakuha, as if they were a pacifist group.

    Although the writers of the Japanese-smut-portal have Japanese names, I wonder if they are really Japanese. If they are Japanese, they should know the bloody history of Chukakuha.

    There are three possibilities:

    (1) The reporters are Japanese and supporters of Chukakuha.
    (2) They are non-Japanese who do not know Chukakuha.
    (3) They are extremely ignorant Japanese who do not know Chukakuha.

  2. Aki: I’ll take your word for the Chukaku-ha connection, since I’ve been able to infer from a brief search that there is a strong link with the anti-Kakumaru radical elements of the anti-Narita movement and Zengakuren. Was the writer (writers? only one byline for some time) CJ aware of this? Well, most people here, including myself, probably have never heard of the protesting organization at all—how many U-30 Japanese even recognize the name Chukaku-ha?—so I’m not drawing any conclusions here about CJ’s prior knowledge of the Chukaku-ha connection or lack of due diligence regarding it from that fact alone. Based on the article that you’ve linked to as well as another one ( written soon after, I believe that CJ sympathizes with Japanese opponents to Yasukuni—but then most gaijin do. I say gaijin because, regardless of nationality, CJ’s Anglo cultural background shows through.

    More generally, I have the impression that CJ holds liberal views. It is also possible that CJ had prior contact with someone from at least one of the two featured organizations. But the two Yasukuni-related reports appear to have been a relatively isolated episode in the life of the Tokyo Reporter. All in all, I would be inclined to believe any plausible explanation from CJ regarding the relationship, if any, there.
