Saturday, December 06, 2008

Is This What Happens When Minority Governments Rule?

Whoa, Canada! Indeed.


  1. I was wondering if and when our little crisis would catch your eye, Okumura-san. That article was a good summary, so I really have nothing to add aside from this morning's news that sheds (dim) light on the GG's decision.

    The idea that a PM can evade a confidence motion by proroguing Parliament is pretty ugly. However, despite my deep mistrust of Mr. Harper and his party, I find the most powerful argument either way to be that the prorogation is temporary, and if the opposition coalition can't hold together long enough to oust the Conservative Party when Parliament resumes then they shouldn't be in power. The cost of finding out is two months without a proper government in the face of impending economic doom, but at least we should have some stability afterward. (And if the Conservatives are still in power then they'll have had to tone it down a little, good news for left-leaners like me.)

  2. Actually, I posted this just to see if you were still reading my blog, Michael. Yes, Slate articles are usually informative, precise and easy to read, so I’m not surprised that you find this one a good summary.

    I see from the article that you link to that the time out already is working. Harper is an amazing tactician; I didn’t even know there was such a word as prorogue.

  3. Harper is an amazing tactician; I didn’t even know there was such a word as prorogue.

    About half a dozen times this week I overheard conversations in which someone explained the meaning of 'prorogue' to the other participant(s). And I had to break out a dictionary to confirm that the noun form is 'prorogation'. Say what you want about Stephen Harper, at least he's promoting literacy.

  4. BTW, if you want to know just how good a tactician he is, here's how he won our last election a year and a half before it was called.

  5. The following quote from a Globe and Mail article that appears in a video clip on the This Is Dion website that the Framing Dion article links to is quintessential Canadian:

    Stephane Dion “perhaps even saved the country.”

    The qualifiers “perhaps” and “even” have a vaguely ironic and ever so slightly mocking undertone—no doubt unintentional—that would never be allowed to appear on a similar American website. Doesn’t the quote remind you of Garrison Keillor? And what is Minnesota but the natural extension of Ontario?

    I am convinced that out of such small acorns grow the great oak trees of white, male Christian comedy.
