Thursday, April 02, 2009

Vote Early, Vote Often…

¿Quién es la política más linda del mundo?

Sarah Palin 33rd, Hillary Clinton 46th, as of this writing. C’mon, liberals, what are you waiting for? And if that doesn’t cause you to take a look, let me remind you that Japan’s Yuri Fujikawa, a municipal assemblywoman, is in fourth place.

Now for the obvious question…


  1. As a photo geek, I have to observe that the current ranking seems to reflect the skills of the portrait photographer almost as much as the actual looks of the subject.

    And as a somewhat politically interested Swede I must note that I've never actually heard of either of the two Swedish politicians on the list.

  2. …which raises several questions. How hard did they have to look for these women? Note that Fujikawa, the lone Japanese entry, is an assemblywoman in Hachinohe, which has a population of around 240,000. Would it be easier to run a similar contest for male politicians? And would the contestants generally speaking be older, as one for movie actors most certainly would? Which brings me to what was my original question: Would 20 Minutos ever run such a contest for male politicians?

    I note in passing that all four American politicians look squarely at the camera, while the others tend to use their bodies and facial angles, some of them actually striking glamour-shot poses.

  3. I don’t care how they look, I care what they think and how they act. If I had to care how politicians look my eyes would be sore because the vast majority of them consists of decrepit old men.

    No French female politician either, although a long long time ago (2 years) one was bold enough to try and become president, another is leader of the so-called opposition, and a few are leaders of smaller parties.

  4. In the where is ? department :
    The prime minister of Iceland, the presidents of the Philippines, Chile, and Liberia...

  5. No doubt, Sophie. But when I see America swooning over Obama the candidate and hear that U.S. Presidents have been on average taller than the general population, and see every significant LDP candidate for the party presidency—sexagenarians and septuagenarians all of them—has a full head of dark hair (wink, wink), I have to believe that looks matter for male candidates as well. We just don’t talk about that nearly as much as we do about Hillary Clinton’s pantsuits.

    Good point about the missing heads of state, particularly President Arroyo, who would surely have provoked another outbreak of shamelessness from the Italian Prime Minister had she been present at the G20. And since you are French, I hope that you will not feel offended if I told you that I am sure that you would be on this list too if you were a politician.

  6. I do not feel offended, but I am sure you are wrong :). If Segolene Royal is not in the list, I don’t know how I could be... Even if I started loosing time trying to adhere to the canons that seem to be respected by most women in the list.

  7. Royal is on the list, somewhere in the fifties the last time I looked.

  8. suddenly i'm more interested in Japanese politics...
