Saturday, December 19, 2009

Japanese Media Swallow Copenhagen Spin Hook, Line, and Sinker

The headline on the official website reads: A Copenhagen Accord it is. The lead:
“An agreement drawn up Friday night by leaders from the US, China, India, Brazil and South Africa has been recognized Saturday morning by the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.”
However, buried in the actual story:
“The conference of the parties takes note (my italics) of the Copenhagen Accord,” says a final decision.”
In other words, no agreement. Nevertheless, the Japanese media to a man, it seems, uses the word 承認, or “recognition,” to describe the outcome. The Washington Post reporter, for example, has gone to the trouble of actually reading the website report.

So I guess my question is: Why bother spending real money to send functional illiterates to cover an overseas event?


  1. 'So I guess my question is: Why bother spending real money to send functional illiterates to cover an overseas event? '

    beautifully put.

  2. Jun, I posted a few thoughts here:

