The Liberal Democratic Party is holding a series of regional conventions that feature prospective candidates for the party presidency. Since the main figures have taken their time to officially announce their candidacies --- for example, the prohibitive favorite Shinzo Abe has yet to officially declare --- the invitations can hold some surprises. For example, it was Yasuo Fukuda’s conspicuous absence at last month’s Tokyo talkfest that made people realize that the darling of the doves would not be running after all.
自民党は、党総裁候補の顔見せとして、一連の地方ブロック大会を開いています。そして、中心人物達が立候補をすることを正式に発表するのに時間をかけているため -- 例えば、圧倒的優位に立っている安倍晋三は、まだ正式に名乗りを上げていいない – 招待をめぐってびっくりさせられるようなこともあるわけです。例えば、先月の東京大会に招待されなかったことで、ハト派の希望の星であった福田康夫が立候補しないこととの確信を多くの人々に与えたのでした。
Thus, the presence of a couple of nationally unfamiliar figures in addition to Mr. Abe, Sadakazu Tanigaki and Taro Aso in Saturday’s Hokuriku-Shinetsu convention was taken in stride by the Japanese media. But if these two men were of little significance to the race, they did share one important trait with at least two of the Big Three that justified their presence in the spotlight, if nothing else. For all but one are directly descended from prime ministers, or LDP leaders that had at least a claim to the throne. And the one exception, Mr. Tanigaki, is also the son of a powerful ex-LDP member. And all but one grew up and went to school in Tokyo before they went back home to claim their heritage. And the one did not have to go back home to claim his heritage because Tokyo was his father’s (and grandfather’s) political base.
There is a good, practical reason why this is the case.
A Diet member, like parliament members everywhere, needs an institutional base to run a low-key, but year-round campaign to stay elected. Typically in Japan, this organization is an intensely personalized affair, based on personal loyalties that have been nurtured over the years. And in a culture that still exalts family traditions, every scion is a potentially a local mini-Kennedy. In practical terms, this gives the son -- and, increasingly, daughter -- a huge leg up. He can start early, at his father the incumbent’s choice of the moment to retire. And if his father is really powerful, he can take some licks in the Upper House while his father continues to hold sway in the Lower House. Even compared to the plucky early self-starters, he inherits a readymade seat and an intensely loyal campaign machine that other neophytes must spend years to build.
国会議員は、これは世界のどこでも同じですが、再選を続けるためには、緩やかではあるが年中無休のキャンペーンを張らなければいけません。日本では、これは、通常、きわめて個人的な仕組みになっており、長年にわたって培われた個人的な忠義心に根差しています。家族関係を今なお重視する文化の中では、御曹司というものは、だれもがいわばミニ・ケネディなのです。現実には、これで件の息子が -- そして最近ではしばしば娘も – とてつもなく有利になります。息子は、現職である父親がここぞと思うときに引退することによって、早くに議員生活を始めることができます。そして、もし父親に本当に実力があれば、父親が衆議院議員を勤めている間に参議院で見習いをすることもできます。元気よく自力で当選を果たした他の若輩議員達と比べても、彼等が何年もかかって築き上げなければならない、忠誠心篤い選挙マシーンを、出来合いの議席と一緒にそのまま受け継ぐことができるのです。
But Diet members must spend a lot of time in Tokyo. The Diet is in session for the better part of the year, which also happens to coincide, more or less, with the school year. During that period, a Diet member will spend his weekdays in Tokyo, and his weekends in his home district. And those weekends are spent for the benefit of his electorate, with his family coming a distant second. So, if a Diet member is going to have anything like a family life during that period (most Diet members are married, usually with kids), he will want to take his family to Tokyo and raise his kids there. This need to be in Tokyo is particularly true in the case of a politician with national aspirations, who needs to stay in touch with business leaders and keep a high profile in the media.
しかし、国会議員達は、長い時間を東京で過ごさなければいけません。国会は、一年の過半開会していますが、それがちょうど学校が開いている時期に重なっています。その開会中、議員は、ウィークデーを東京で、週末を地元で過ごすわけですが、その週末は、もっぱら選挙民のために費やすことになります。従って、国会議員が家庭生活と思しきものをエンジョイしたいと思えば -- 国会議員は、通常結婚しており、子供もいます -- 家族を東京に置いて、そこで子供たちを育てたいと思うはずです。しかも、この、東京にいなくてはいけないという事情は、全国レベルでの活躍を望む政治家においてはとりわけそうです。というのも、彼等には、財界のトップ達とつながりを持ち、マスメディアに絶えず顔を出している必要があるからです。
It is no wonder then, that the second-, third-generation LDP leadership candidates now on display wind up having a predominantly Tokyo background.
But the prime minister’s residence is not the only place where Tokyo holds sway. Tokyo dominates the governor’s mansions as well, albeit in a very different manner;
as of April 1, 2004, 24 of the 47 governors were former Tokyo bureaucrats. Several of them had reached the provincial summit by way of the mayor’s office or a temporary stopover in the Diet, or deputy-governor’s office. Nevertheless, by far the majority of these people had been able to directly parlay their Tokyo credentials to propel them in their respective governorships.
Some people believe this is due to the special access that bureaucrats have to the money and legal power that the central government exercises over the provinces. I am sure there is some truth to that in the collective. The large number of governors who had risen to power in ministries that hold the purse strings to the public works budgets and other national means of largesse to the provinces seem to be testimony to the notion that bureaucratic authority is somehow fungible. But 6 (and now 7) of the 24 hail from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. As powerful as the Ministry Formerly Know as Notorious MITI may seem to foreign observers, it wields far less politically clout domestically than the aforementioned.
Whatever practical benefits a Tokyo connection brings to the table, a successful track record in Tokyo in itself is a huge positive. If Tokyo breeds some resentment in the boondocks, its overwhelming domestic soft power is rivaled by few, if any, other political, economic, social and cultural centers on our planet. If you can make it in Tokyo, you can make it anywhere. Or so it seems. As much maligned as the central bureaucracy has been for the recent decade-long economic ills and woes, the public still seems to be more or less willing to entrust the management of their public affairs to these selfless servants of the public good.
東京とのつながりがどんな具体的な利益をもたらすかは置くとしても、東京で成功したというのは、大いなるプラスなのです。もし東京というところが田舎で何らかの反感を呼ぶとしても、これに匹敵するような国内における圧倒的なソフト・パワーを有する政治、経済、文化の中心は、他にこの地球上どこを探してもめったにありません。東京で成功すれば、どこでも成功できる -- 少なくともそのように見えるのです。ここ10年以上に及ぶ経済的困難について中央政府の官僚機構が相当非難の的になってきましたが、国民は、依然として、こうした公共の利益の自己犠牲的下僕達に自分達の公ごとを委ねるつもりのようなのです。
This measure of success and competence is reinforced by another facet of the prospective candidate’s Tokyoness. Because these bureaucrats have spent their lives outside their natal or adopted provinces, they are untainted by the political ties that bind a local purebred to one region or another, this vested interest or that. Thus, they provide mastheads around which all the divergent forces and factions of the establishment can rally. This is surely a big reason why so many retiring bureaucrats are approached by their homefolks to run for governor (or mayor). Or the Diet for that matter, if the sons and daughters of a retiring house member are not interested in assuming the family mantle.
Power to the regions seems to be the political shibboleth if the day. The public perception is that the regions got the short end of the Koizumi reform stick. But if the preponderance of Tokyo influence in Japanese leadership is any indication, apparently, Japan still looks to Tokyo for the answers.